Sunday, 9 December 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 31! Going Mobile!

The landscape of mobile gaming has changed. What was once just a child's backseat pastime is now a major form of entertainment for commuting adults. We talk about it.

Also, Dan goes over Curiosity and his fancy stupid new tablet phone that I'm coveting hardcore. I went to paintball and was disappointed by Ninja Gaiden 3. Should be a good listen!

Also, we have a new theme song that I plan to use for the next 30 episodes.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 31!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 19 November 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 30! Oppa Random Style!

Heeeeyyyy sexy podcast.

This time, D and I have too many games to catch up on, so we forgo a topic and talk about whatevs. Well, I have too many games to talk about. As always, D is too focused on his dog, his wife, his apartment, and his career to play games like an adult.

Anyway, lots of games talk! And Coke with milk. That is a thing people drink.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 30!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 29 October 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 29! Rage Quittin'!

I'm a pretty angry guy. D can tell you all about it. I have it under control, but games still occasionally frustrate me to the point of rage quitting.

D is pretty mellow. I can tell you all about it. He's usually in control, but he recently threw his hands in the air and walked away from Saints Row, so I use my Yoda-like wisdom to walk him through why he's pissed at the game and how we can all understand rage quitting a bit better.

It's a good one. Listen to it.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 29!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 15 October 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 28! Gun Gamin'!

Hey, we're back from vacation
And this is crazy
But here's a podcast
So listen maybe?

D and I are back from parts unknown, and we've returned in the midst of the fall shooter season. It inspired us to talk about gun gamin'. Does our tendency to gravitate towards violent games with blam blam guns say something about us as a culture in North America? Or is it just good fun? We talk about empowerment fantasies, Borderlands 2, and some disappointing Resident Evil 6 stuff.

We hope you like it.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 28!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 27! PAX 201212!

The extra 12 is for the number of beers I can consume before I am legally made of alcohol.

PAX was pretty amazing this year. There were games! Concerts! Drunk people! We talk about some of what we saw, which includes a couple of games. You guys like that stuff, right?

Enjoy! We're back from hiatus and look forward to getting more eps up for you guys soon.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 27!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 30 July 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 26! Beats-em-ups Games!

I hope everyone is having a good summer! I went back to Edmonton for a week, so this episode is a little late coming. Don't worry. You'll still have a blast listening to D and I talk about beat-em-ups! We know you love them as much as we do. The idea for this week's topic came from a horrible brawler we played for our Hey, Let's Bargain Bin segment, so you have that to listen to as well.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 26!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 25! Summer Gaming!

You play games in the summer, right? So do we! We have so much in common!

Tune in to hear about our summer game playing habits, from what games we play, to how we play them. This time of year is barren release-wise, so at least you have our podcast to keep you sated. Plus, hear about my trip up a mountain, including a quick talk about hiking etiquette! Everything is etiquette with me, it seems.



Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 25!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 24! Oddities of Gaming!

Back in the day, the idea of controlling a computer with a stick and a pair of buttons was pretty crazy. Once that became the norm, it was time for the game industry to begin a lifelong quest to out-crazy itself.

Join D and I as we look back at a handful of gaming's oddest titles, peripherals, and systems. Lots of Sega in there. Those guys are friggin' weird.

We may make a segment out of this. Hey, Let's Oddities! or something similar. If you want to hear more about the weird shit D and I have suffered in our gaming careers, drop us a line by commenting here or emailing us at heyletsvideogames at gmail dot com.

You could be the person who makes all the difference in the world. If that doesn't make you feel special, I'm sure some needy kids in Uganda will suffice.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 24!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 4 June 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 23! Ports to Starboard!

 A conversation about the XBLA ports of Monster World leads to a discussion about ports in general: what makes them worthwhile, different kinds of ports, and what kind of thought needs to go into a successful port.

We also dip into a new kuso-ge with Hey, Let's Bargain Bin! I should note that I have, as of this posting, put 25 hours into this game. It's not great. I'm just in love with the source material.

For those interested, here's a link to my 2012 playlist. If you like the idea of recording every game you play during a given year, I suggest you make your own. It's a fun and interesting way to keep track of your playing habits and remember exactly what you experienced when it's time for game of the year awards.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 23!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Friday, 18 May 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 22! Fly Like A G-Sick!

Happy Friday! Enjoy a quick visit with D and I as we battle illness and catch up on a variety of topics. Shinobi games! Trials Bullshit! Ninja research! Chia spread! It's all here. I would ask what else you could want, but I think we both know the answer to that.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 22!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 7 May 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 21! Review Review!

Welcome to episode 21! This is an exciting time for us. Join D and I as we discuss the merits of burgers with donuts for buns (thanks DougieDog!) as well as Trials: Evolution (fuck Trials) and the purpose of game reviews. Do we need them? What's the point of them in the Internet age? As usual, we flirt with relevance. You may enjoy (fuck Trials) how I keep going back to (fuck Trials) how pissed I am at Trials. Fuck Trials.



Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 21!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 20! Capcom-On!

Capcom is my favorite game developer. From Mega Man 2 and Gun.Smoke up to (ugh) Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, my history with Capcom is long and storied. Join us in this very special 20th episode celebration as we break down why Capcom was/is such a big player in the console and arcade markets. Mostly, I regale D with evidence of how Capcom extensively influenced the development of our beloved industry. You might learn a thing or two.



Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 20!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 2 April 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 19! Meh!

Disappointment comes from time to time. It's part of being a gamer, especially one who allows himself to get hyped. That's why it's kind of a bummer that Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City just didn't do it for me.

Hear all about it, plus some more SFxT talk, impressions of the Vancouver Retro Gaming Expo, and D's terrible bargain bin purchases. If I could get him to save up his money for a real game, we might get somewhere, but he seems to enjoy inflicting pain on himself every podcast.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 19!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 18! Minutes to Midnight!

In keeping with my never ending love affair with the concept of hype, I force D to sit down and talk about the concept of midnight launches. Why do people go out to them just to save a few hours of time? What's the friggin' point? As a veteran of several launches on both sides of the counter, I give a few reasons why they're not a totally ridiculous concept. You may enjoy hearing them.

We also talk about a few games we're playing. D continues to play really crazy iPhone games, while I nut up and play some actual console games. Epic Sax Guy makes a brief appearance as well.


Vancouver Retro Game Expo is happening this weekend, so we'll be attending that. If you're there, maybe we'll see you. We have no plans on how we're going to identify ourselves so if I were you, I would keep an eye out for the most awkward looking people in the room. Just assume that that's us.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 18!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 27 February 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 17! Great Expectations!

We've all been hyped for a game before, only to take home a big stinking turd that makes a wallet cry in indignation. Of course, we've also been disappointed by perfectly good games that just didn't meet our lofty expectations.

This episode is about how we approach game hype and expectations. What's reasonable, and what's acceptable when looking forward to a game? Is hype even allowed, or are we just deluding ourselves? We get to the bottom of things after a discussion about bathroom etiquette, Capcom games that I've been playing, some Happy Action Theater, and a special guest appearance from the Governator.

We hope you'll enjoy it. I promise to get some speech therapy someday to get that stutter taken care of. I sound like I'm constantly rapping, and you know how I feel about people who can't stop rapping.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 17!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 16! The EXP Experience!

If you ever wanted to open up your own videogame bar, this episode is for you. Join us as we sit down with Brian "Danger" Vidovic, creative director of EXP Restaurant + Bar, to talk about this new gaming venture. Who doesn't love a bar with games and booze? Answer: The BC liquor board. Join us for a long talk that reveals what this fantastic dream of a business is all about and the hurdles entrepreneurs face when you add liquor to anything.

In other news: The Vancouver Retro Gaming Expo is coming up on March 17th, so go get your tickets now. We'll be there in some capacity, so if you want to say hi, you'll be able to find us. D has informed me that any shirts we wear with HLVG on them will be pink. I ran out of veto power some time ago, so this beast is now largely his, and that includes couture. God help us.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 16!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Hey! Let's Videogames! Episode 15! Our Favorite Things!

Our second podcast of 2012 kicks off with a rundown of what we've been up to, leading into a talk about our favorite games. What goes into deciding our favorite games, and how often do we go back to them? Both D and I have different views on the topic. I'm sure his are wrong.

We also talk a bit about Skylanders. I can't find an Air-type Skylander anywhere. This is getting ridiculous. I work hard for a living, and my wallet still cries whenever I happen upon a figure I'm missing.

We hope you enjoy this episode. Don't forget to comment with your Russian Roulette predictions for the next show. Tell us who's going to get shot, and on what trigger pull (1-6). We have a special guest planned for the next show, so we're going to up the stakes and offer a bigger prize. It's still a mystery, but it will include a free game (or two!) and maybe some collectibles. You gotta play to win, folks.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 15!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Friday, 20 January 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 14! Welcome to 2012!

The times, they are a-changin'. Welcome to 2012! Things are going to be bigger and better. I know I always say that. I promise, it'll be different this time, baby. Shhhh. Don't fight. Just let it happen.

D and I haven't seen each other in awhile due to that real life bullshit, so this episode is primarily closing out 2011 by catching up on the games we've been playing and how we spent Christmas.

We're still doing our Russian Roulette segment, so please, participate. Leave a comment or email at at "heyletsvideogames at gmail dot com" with your predictions of who gets shot and on what trigger pull (from 1 to 6). We're going to be tossing a coin from now on to determine who gets to go first because this gun we're using is friggin' cursed. We did have a winner this ep, though, so keep it up. A winner could be YOU.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 14!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes