Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 24! Oddities of Gaming!

Back in the day, the idea of controlling a computer with a stick and a pair of buttons was pretty crazy. Once that became the norm, it was time for the game industry to begin a lifelong quest to out-crazy itself.

Join D and I as we look back at a handful of gaming's oddest titles, peripherals, and systems. Lots of Sega in there. Those guys are friggin' weird.

We may make a segment out of this. Hey, Let's Oddities! or something similar. If you want to hear more about the weird shit D and I have suffered in our gaming careers, drop us a line by commenting here or emailing us at heyletsvideogames at gmail dot com.

You could be the person who makes all the difference in the world. If that doesn't make you feel special, I'm sure some needy kids in Uganda will suffice.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 24!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes

Monday, 4 June 2012

Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 23! Ports to Starboard!

 A conversation about the XBLA ports of Monster World leads to a discussion about ports in general: what makes them worthwhile, different kinds of ports, and what kind of thought needs to go into a successful port.

We also dip into a new kuso-ge with Hey, Let's Bargain Bin! I should note that I have, as of this posting, put 25 hours into this game. It's not great. I'm just in love with the source material.

For those interested, here's a link to my 2012 playlist. If you like the idea of recording every game you play during a given year, I suggest you make your own. It's a fun and interesting way to keep track of your playing habits and remember exactly what you experienced when it's time for game of the year awards.


Hey, Let's Videogames! Episode 23!

Hey, Let's Videogames! on iTunes